Thursday, April 8, 2010

Show notes for episode 4

In episode 4 we talk about magickal names.  I cover a bit about the history of names and share the story of how I found my current Pagan name.  I also spend a little time talking about how you can find a name to use in the craft.  In the news I talk about the mine collapse in W.Va including commentary on this tragedy by the Westbro Baptist Church as well as their successful lawsuit against the father of a slain soldier  whose funeral they protested at.

I didn't do a tarot segment today as my daughter hid my deck from me but I did play some wonderful music.  The featured artist for this episode is Tricky Pixie and we heard Dryad's Promise.

I also play a promo for Inciting A Riot

The Celtic word of the day:

Dia duit ar maidin- Good Morning

Links to check out: These are links to the two sites I use for the Celtic word of the day

Byki language learning software

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Craft names, good topic! I too took a craft name upon starting my path; actually I still use my yahoo account with that has that name. As of two years ago, I started using my given name. Like you said, a magical name is safe. It was an easy method to keep my two worlds (spiritual and mundane) separate. I had two separate groups of friends, calendars, etc. Now, creeping up on the age of 40, I am comfortable in my path and so I stepped out of the closet. I have successfully meshed my two worlds and am very happy to use my given name.