Friday, March 19, 2010

PFP Episode 3

Welcome to Episode 3.  We talk about Project Pagan Enough,  Ostara, the recent approval of Pagan holidays by the NJ Board of Education, Texas SBE taking a huge step back, and a couple great references for Pagan parents.

Our Tarot card of the Day: 10 of Wands : Shouldering the Burden

The Celtic Word of the Day:

Cead Mile Failte- 10,000 Welcomes

Links mentioned in the show:

Pooka Pages-

The Earth Child's Handbook-

Circle Round Raising Children in Goddess Traditions-

Goddesses mentioned:

Airmed or Airmid- Irish Goddess of Healing, medicinal plants, and the Keeper of Spring

Brighid- Irish Goddess of poetry and inspiration, midwifery, healing, childbirth, crafts, and smiths.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Big Thank you

I want to say thank you to Fire Lyte over at Inciting A Riot for creating the new graphic for the show. After a week and a half of me running into a brick wall will the image I had before and creating a new one, Fire Lyte took pity on me and offered to make one for me to consider. The result of that kindness is the image you now see as my avatar. I absolutely love it! So Fire Lyte, THANK YOU SO MUCH! SMOOCH! And thank you so much for all your help and making me feel so welcome in the pagan poscasters community, it has really meant a lot.

Slan Agus Beannacht Leat

Goodbye and Blessing With You

Sunday, March 7, 2010

PFP Episode 2

Welcome back for episode 2 of the show! I want to first thank everyone who downloaded the show and the kind soul who voted for PFP on Podcast Alley. I am please to say that the show is now searchable on iTunes.

I want to thank Jason of TheWildHunt for providing 2 of the news stories for the show tonight. Please head over to the blog for the full story as I only really give an overview.

I also want to thank truthout for most of the info on Sarah Palin’s connections to the NAR. To read up further go to

I talk a bit about Isaac Bonewits and his fight with cancer. To follow his news and/or send messages go to or Isaac, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and Phaedra.

In the tarot segment we pulled the ace of swords. This card represents new ideas and new directions.

Our Celtic word of the day is Ta` which means yes.

Podkin shout outs to Celtic Myth Podshow, Inciting A Riot, The Wigglian Way, PPOTE, Meadow Moon at A Pagan in the Threshold, SpiritsCast, Witches Brewhaha and, last but not least Bex over at Bex’s Hex’s

Links to all these shows can be found in the podcast link section of this page.

I covered a little bit about some of my personal practice with the tealight petition magick. The working can be found in Ellen Dugans book Cottage Witchery: Natural Magick For Hearth And Home You can find all her books through her website or by searching her on or your friendly neighborhood pagan shop.

Thanks for listening to the show.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

PFP is on Podcast Alley

Pagan Flavored Popsicle can now be found in the Religion & Spirituality section of Podcast Alley.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome to PFP

Bright Blessing and Welcome to the first episode of Pagan Flavored Popsicle. This episode is an intro me, Amber Pheonix, and the show. I basically share with you some of my history and why I decided to do the show. I hope you and enjoy it and I look forward to hearing from you. I’ll be adding links to the mentioned podcasts in the links section of the page at a later time. You can always find them by doing a search in iTunes or by scrolling through the Religion & Spirituality:Other section of iTunes podcast page.