Welcome to Episode 3. We talk about Project Pagan Enough, Ostara, the recent approval of Pagan holidays by the NJ Board of Education, Texas SBE taking a huge step back, and a couple great references for Pagan parents.
Our Tarot card of the Day: 10 of Wands : Shouldering the Burden
The Celtic Word of the Day:
Cead Mile Failte- 10,000 Welcomes
Links mentioned in the show:
Pooka Pages- http://www.pookapages.com/
The Earth Child's Handbook- http://www.fantasyscraps.com/earth-childs-handbook/
Circle Round Raising Children in Goddess Traditions- http://www.circleround.com/
Goddesses mentioned:
Airmed or Airmid- Irish Goddess of Healing, medicinal plants, and the Keeper of Spring
Brighid- Irish Goddess of poetry and inspiration, midwifery, healing, childbirth, crafts, and smiths.
Episode 187: Inciting Peter Paige's Riot
3 years ago